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LADC Services

Through Liberty Counseling offers a range of LADC services in Bedford, NH. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality services. 


What is a LADC Evaluation?

Through Liberty Counseling provides LADC Evaluations in Bedford, NH. ​The term LADC refers to a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor. There are a variety of reasons to schedule a LADC Evaluation, including court-orders, family and divorce situations, or general health and well being.

A LADC evaluation can help in determining the prescence of a substance use issue, the severity of the issue, and potential co-occuring circumstances. Following the evaluation, individuals recieve a detailed report that outlines a holistic view of the person, including the wellness domains of mind, body, spirit, finances, social, and other areas of overall wellness. 


The term LADC refers to a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, while an MLADC refers to a Master's Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor. While both are able to provide LADC Evaluations and services, MLADCs are able to provide more comprehensive services. An MLADC is able to practice independently, treat and assess co-occurring mental health issues, and will often possess a higher level of education. 

Are You an IDSP?

In the State of New Hampshire, individuals are sometimes required to complete certain services following a DUI / DWI. These individuals will need to be connected with an IDCMP and an IDSP. At Through Liberty Counseling, we are not an IDCMP but have two IDSP providers on staff - Nick Pigeon, MLADC & Kenzy Miller, MSW. 


Click here for the State of New Hampshire's Impaired Driving Program and a complete listing of the approved IDCMPs and IDSPs in  New Hampshire.

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